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Upload Upload module

The upload snapin solution enables you to manage an online library of information, providing a document download facility within your web site.

Provide a library of reference material, documentation or a number of other files in various formats that you can manage and add, remove or amend any files as and when required. Once uploaded, you can enable public or private (secured via password protected) access to the upload library depending upon your target audience.

Popular uploaded file formats include:
Photos and images PDF documents Word documents Excel spreadsheets Powerpoint presentations Compressed folders

All of the e-Snapin services are fully administered by you, the client, so you have complete control over your selected e-Snapin solution. Administration facilities are provided online via our secure web based management consoles.

If you want further information about our upload solution and how this can help to improve your site then please click here

If you do not currently have a website, but would like to discuss how we can help to create your web presence and want to know about how our e-Snapin services may help to further promote your business over the internet, click here

Get in touch

Looking to find out more or see a demo? If you have any questions about e-Snapin, please get in touch. Email or ring us anytime, we will be delighted to hear from you and discuss the benefits of e-Snapin.

You can also give us a call on
+44 (0) 1603 623 030

Find us at
43 All Saints Green

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